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How Community Service Grows and Continues How Does Community Service Grows and Continues

Communication: public speaking, composition, storytelling

Leadership teams need to develop as strong communicators who will keep volunteers and stakeholders informed about their mission in a concise and compelling manner. They should be comfortable telling their story and the platoon's story to partners, media, and the community.

Impact: Platoon volunteers will feel connected, informed, and know why their service matters.

Relationship Building: recruitment, networking, team building

Leadership teams need to know how to build relationships with community partners, peer VSOs, corporate partners, and within their own platoon. They must be ready to devise a recruitment strategy, have the tools to build their network, and understand how to build a team.

Impact: Volunteers will feel welcome, motivated to serve, and challenged to grow.

Emotional Intelligence: cultural competency, ABCD

Leadership teams need to cultivate their self-awareness as leaders and be flexible in their approach to lead with empathy. They must be comfortable working with a diverse group of stakeholders and know how to build relationships in under-resourced communities.

Impact: Volunteers will experience an inclusive and authentic environment where they feel heard and valued.

Volunteer Engagement: Hospitality, delegation, recognition

Leadership teams need effective leaders who know how to motivate, delegate tasks, and desire to create meaningful experiences for veterans to connect through service opportunities.

Impact: Volunteers will feel expected and appreciated.

Event/Project Management: administration, time management, strategic planning

Leadership teams need to be strategic planners who can work with partners to plan a series of service opportunities and achieve shared goals over the course of a year. These events should be polished, well managed, and follow proper planning and close-out operating procedures.

Impact: Volunteers will experience an organized event, and feel satisfied in completing tasks and making an impact.


Leadership teams need to be skilled with the tools we use to make this work more efficient and effective. They should be comfortable using social media to engage with their stakeholders.

Impact: Volunteers will experience a simple and fast registration and check-in process so that they can get to serving. They will see themselves on social media and be proud of their work.

Session attendance

Before the program officially kicks off in-person at Session I, all SLC members are required to attend one of two virtual program orientation options. Additionally, full attendance at all four of our 3-day sessions is mandatory for program completion. During these full-cohort sessions, program members attend dynamic workshops and presentations, as well as build meaningful connections to other women in the program. For our upcoming Cohort, the session dates and locations are below.

Please note: attendance at all four of these sessions will require taking time off work. We ask that all program members are fully engaged and present at these sessions, so please ensure that you can make arrangements to attend before committing to the program.

  • Orientation (virtual): May 3 or May 5, 2022, 8:00-10:00 PM ET
  • Session 1 (in-person): May 20-22, 2022 (Travel on May 19)
  • Session 2 (virtual): June 22-24, 2022 11:00-4:30 PM ET
  • Session 3 (virtual): July 27-29, 2022 11:00-4:30 PM ET
  • Session 4 (in-person): September 16-18, 2022 (Travel on September 15)

Full Cohort Sessions: Throughout the five months, the entire Cohort will come together four times, for 3-day conference style sessions at the beginning (Session 1), two middle (Session 2 + 3), and the end (Session 4) of the program. The first and fourth sessions will be held in person in a different city each time. During these in-person sessions, program members will connect and learn alongside each other by engaging in interactive workshops led by subject matter experts, hear from diverse leaders through panel discussions as well as individual featured speakers, and complete one community service project. Session II and Session III will be similar in their objectives but will be held virtually over Zoom. All costs associated with travel, lodging and most meals for the in-person sessions will be covered by The Mission Continues.

Learning Management System: The curriculum of SLC is carefully designed to ensure program members are growing in each of the program's five focus areas and engaging in coursework leading up to and coming out of the three big sessions. The Mission Continues Leadership Development programs utilize LearnUpon, an online learning management system where program members will engage in self-paced learning, accountability group assignments, and connect with other program members and a SLC program Advisor. Program members will receive a program syllabus at the start of your cohort that includes a brief overview of each course including both enrollment and assignment due dates.

Additional live trainings: Throughout the program, SLC members will also be invited to join additional live workshops and training sessions in between the larger, mandatory sessions. These interactive workshops support continued learning and are strongly encouraged for all program members to attend. Sessions are led by subject matter experts and offer opportunities to continue building connections to other women in the cohort.

Coursework completion: During orientation, you will receive a program syllabus that provides an overview of each course you will be enrolled in over the five-month program. Some will be completely independent, self-paced learning, and other courses will require you to work with your accountability group. The syllabus will include enrollment and due dates for each course, and our expectation is that program members will regularly submit their coursework on time.

Time commitment: SLC is an intensive leadership development opportunity, and we estimate that program members will spend an average of 3-5 hours/week completing program work throughout the entire five months. The time commitment fluctuates and may sometimes be above or below this estimate.

Access to technology: In order to complete this program, SLC members will need access to an email account, a reliable internet connection, and a computer and/or tablet with a video camera for video meetings, virtual learning, and email communication.

During their time in SLC, program members will have a team of Mission Continues staff here to support them in successfully completing and getting the most out of this program.

Kelly Auguste

Senior Manager, Service Leadership Corps


Kathy Mackie

Advisor, Service Leadership Corps


Mathew Brown

Advisor, Service Leadership Corps


Is this program only in person?

Throughout the five months, the entire Cohort will come together four times, for 3-day conference-style sessions. The first and last sessions, (Session I) and (Session IV) are in person, and (Session II) and (Session III) will be hosted virtually.

Who should apply?

  • Eager to learn and grow, and have a desire to apply skills to under-resourced communities through Service Platoons
  • Interested in collaborative team-based work with veterans and community partners.
  • Able to commit to approximately 3-5 hours per week over 5 months including two 3 day in-person sessions over the weekend, two 3-day virtual sessions during the week, and additional meeting times throughout the program
  • Comfortable engaging in both online and in-person learning environments
  • US Military veteran (or current member of the National Guard or Reserves)
  • Must reside in the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico

How much does it cost?

  • Program: Free of cost. The Mission Continues will also cover the cost of transportation, hotel accommodation, and most meals during our in-person sessions. This is an investment in you and your leadership, courtesy of The Mission Continues' community of donors.

Can I apply for SLC if I am currently in WVLP?

While we appreciate your commitment to your personal growth and development, we do not feel that these programs should be done simultaneously because each one requires time and dedication for the best results.

Additional Questions

For additional questions regarding the program beyond our FAQ, contact Senior Manager, Service Leadership Corps, Kelly Auguste at

To sponsor the Service Leadership Corps, contact Corporate Partnerships Manager, Melissa Gruber at .
